Typhus-The Parasite Warframe by RedSkittlez
Link for Original Page-https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-the-parasite-warframe-update-10072015/
"War is not an Adventure. Its is a Disease. It is Like Typhus"
Typhus is a concepted warframe made by RedSkittlez who is a very solo kind of frame, because he does not support his allies but much rather himself. Typhus is not a actual "infested" kind of warframe. He is able to control his powers into a controlled force to help himself
1.) Devouring Claws
2.) Boiling Blood
3.) Cannibalize Armour
4.) Parasitism
Passive ability- When Typhus loses 30% of health he has a slight increase in power strength and melee
Devouring Claws- Typhus summons a crescent of bone-like claws from the ground and the claws pulls towards himself. A portion of damage done by theses talons return to Typhus as health. (It works as a cone so its hits multiple targets).
Boiling Blood- His armour becomes unstable, pressure rises, his blood boils over and at the peak he erupts in a display of gore and frenzy. Typhus can start violently ripping away steel and armor of their enemy. (When enemies that gets hit by boiling blood they will get an AOE dot as well reduced armor, and the debuff on armor stacks of the cost of some of your health.)
Cannabalize Armour-Typhus launches out tendrils, Severing an example of the enemy's defensive system and mimics it with similar effects. This can be used to buff or restore Typhus' own stats. If he targets Grineer, he improves his armor. If he targets Corpus, he improves and restores his shields. If he targets Infested, he improves and restores his health.
Parasitism- (Not to be confused with Cannibalize Armour, which is a self-stat buff, whereas this is a Combat Function Self-Buff) Typhus gains the physiology of the last devoured enemy and temporarily assuming its traits in order to deliver a massive area attack. Consuming a Grineer Unit results in a Bio-Missile Barrage, consuming a Corpus unit results in a Bio-Laser barrage, and consuming an infested unit results in the creation of a cluster of viral insects that burst out of Typhus and swarms the immediate area, consuming and slowing anything not Tenno
Here Is A SlideShow On All Of The Concepts